Nature Study

Nature: God's Lesson Book

"Roots of understanding grow deep when curious minds are nourished in nature."

~Nell Regan K~

The Seventh-day Adventist Church believes that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. However, most of the scientific community subscribes to the theory of evolution and that worldview is present in the majority of the literature produced. Encounters with this contrary worldview, whether in media or literature,  provide wonderful opportunities as parents to teach our children how to think critically about issues; to dissect what is being said and to compare and contrast it with the Truth revealed in the Bible. Engaging in robust discussion will fortify the minds of our children with the Truth and equip them with the skills necessary to meet the challenges of the world.

Nature reveals the handiwork and majesty of our God and it is a privilege to explore His handiwork with our children. Every leaf and flower speaks of His great love for us. What a God we serve!

Reuniting Kids & Nature

Exploring the Outdoors

Learning the Wonders of Nature

Nature Signs

Wilderness Survival

Camping & Adventure


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