Finding The Right Fit

Which HS Method is best for me

A homeschool method is simply the style or approach you use for teaching.

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One of the most helpful ways for choosing the "right" curriculum for you, is by first determining your preferred homeschool method. A homeschool method is simply the style or approach you use for teaching. Knowing the homeschool style that you naturally gravitate towards will help you to:

  • Assist in selecting resources and curriculum that will best serve you
  • Find other like-minded homeschoolers and communities
  • Help to decide which support groups, co-ops, and classes to seek out

Don't be concerned with choosing only one method. Select the principles, ideas, and suggestions that resonate with you. In fact, the most commonly adopted method of homeschooling is the Eclectic Method, which combines multiple homeschool methods into a unique method. Ultimately, your homeschooling method will be distinct to you. Your curriculum choices will and should honor your family's needs and perspective.

Not sure which homeschool method is right for you? Take the Homeschool Style Quiz to find out.

Exploring Curriculum Options

7 Easy Steps to Find Your Ideal Curriculum


There is A LOT of curriculum available, and it can be easy to get lost in all of the options. In the beginning it can be helpful to narrow your search field to the homeschool method(s) that you feel is the best fit, but it does not mean that you limited to only those things. Remember, you are free to choose from any and all curriculums, as long as they are in alignment with your vision and goals for your family's homeschool journey. Even the best curriculum, if not aligned with your purpose, will end up being a waste of money. Pick what is best for YOU, in THIS season.


REAL TALK: Homeschooling costs money and curriculum can be expensive...if you let it. If you are working within a fixed budget, it is important to know how to make your dollars stretch as far as possible. Take into consideration:

    • Interests: What would we like to cover this year? Are there any special trips or activities we would like to take or do?
    • Needs: What subjects are we covering this year? What supplies or materials will we need?
    • Strengths: In what areas am I most  confident, knowledgeable, or passionate about?
    • Weaknesses: In what areas am I the least confident, knowledgeable, or passionate about?

Did you know that homeschooling can cost as much or as little as you want it to? That's right! Studies show that the amount of money spent is not indicative of how "successful" your homeschool year will be. Success is determined by HOW those dollars are spent. So next time you feel tempted to "BUY ALL THE THINGS!" remember that dollars spent does not equal value gained.


 Homeschool happens for a number of reasons and it is important to take those into account when choosing curricula. How many children do you have? What ages? Are you working? Away from home? In the home? What are the primary academic concerns you wish to address: accelerated learning? extra attention in a specific subject? special proclivities such as art, music, dancing, cooking, etc.?

    • The great thing about choosing homeschool curriculum is that you are not     locked into anything. You have the flexibility to change and adjust what you are using and doing as your circumstances change. Choose what is right for you, right now.


Each child is unique in how they express themselves, and in how he or she learns. Finding a curriculum that suits his or her learning style will not only making learning (and teaching) more fun and effective, but it can actually save you money! For example, if your child is a kinesthetic learner you can save money on math workbooks and focus more of your budget on the math games and activities that will actually get used. Everyone wins!

Learning Style Quiz

What's My Child's Learning Preference?


Understanding your teaching style is just as important as understanding how your children learn. You want to select options that support and enhance your natural talents and inclinations, and that you will enjoy using. Happy teachers make happy students!


Before new curriculum, assess what you already have in your home. Chances are there are unused or partially used curriculum, supplies, games, activities, books, etc. that you bought or were gifted that would be perfect for what you need now.  Once you know what you have, you can fill in any gaps you may have with new purchases.


One of the joys of homeschooling is being able to learn together as a family. Family style learning is helpful for managing time and resources, and being able to learn new things together is a fantastic added bonus.

Budget-friendly Resources

Actually, this is all free to you!



The internet is teeming with information, resources, communities, ideas, options, activities, educational subscription services, etc. Use it to your advantage.


There is no substitute for real books and there is no better budget-friendly option for accessing books. Additionally, get to know your librarians! They are a wealth of knowledge and information, not only about the library, but usually the community as well. Tap into that resource!

Choosing Curriculum

The following curriculum options have been categorized by homeschooling method. However, this is by no means an exhaustive list. For a comprehensive list of homeschool curriculum and reviews check out

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